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19 Sunday / October 19, 2014

Brown County Art Guild Printmakers: Featured Member Artists

12:00 pm to 05:00 pm
Brown County Art Guild, 48 S. Van Buren St, Nashville

On display in the Upper Loft Gallery October 1- 31: Intaglio, Woodcut, Lithograph and Linocut Prints
by Brown County Art Guild Printmakers/Member Artists, Mark Burkett, Carol Fisher & Arlyne Springer

Artists’ Reception*: Second Saturday, October 1, 5:00 – 9:00 pm (during the Village Art Walk)
*The artists will be present to discuss the techniques and traditions of hand pulled original prints. Carol Fisher
will demonstrate her print making skills from noon to 3 pm, and Mark Burkett will demonstrate from 3 to 9 pm.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Scott Hutchinson


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