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6 Monday / April 6, 2015

Bulldog Johnson, Rickie Maxwell, Briagha McTavish, Cathi Spiaggia – Gary Potter Duo TONIGT – B-Town Showcase

08:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Independantly produced - hosted by the Players Pub - 424 S. Walnut, Bloomington IN 47401

Woo-Hoo! Bulldog Johnson is back in the house TONIGHT. Bulldog has been throwing himself into his music since his recent retirement from Indiana University where he worked as a professor . . . This fellow is a pleasure to watch with his cool finger-picking, his upbeat songs often laced with subtle humor and his Burle Ives’ tone to his vocals (Google Burle kids: -) Also – Rickie Maxwell is a fresh, hip hop kinda Singer-Songwriter who backs up his tunes with his awesome bass guitar. Known for his power trio – 3 Kings – Rickie always makes us smile and we can’t wait to see what he comes up on this evening’s program . . . A young, beautiful writer from Lafayette IN – Briagha McTavish will be performing her songs alongside Bulldog and Rickie this evening. Briagha has won more than her share of awards with her music – at such an early age too! Her vocals are fresh, sweet and right on. Her songs are about life as seen through the eyes of a young lady and her perspective is wonderful. Last, we have a duo for your listening pleasure – Local favorite Cathy Spiaggia is bringing her co-writer Gary Potter to the party this evening. Gary performs on piano and is simply the perfect accompaniment to Cathy’s beautiful alto vocals. Cathy is jazzy, classic and a real pro. We love her and look forward to hearing her music this evening – TALK ABOUT A SHOWCASE FEATURING DIVERSITY . . . THIS IS IT!!!

Cost: Free!

For more information contact:

[email protected]

Entertainment / Live Music

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