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19 Thursday / February 19, 2015

Chasing Ice

07:00 pm to 08:20 pm
IU Cinema 1213 East 7th Street, Bloomington, IN 47406

Photographer James Balog is scheduled to be present.

In the spring of 2005, photographer James Balog headed to the Arctic on assignment for National Geographic: to capture images to document the Earth’s changing climate. Even with a scientific upbringing, Balog had been a skeptic about climate change. But that first trip opened his eyes to the biggest story in human history and challenged him to put his career and his very well-being at risk. Chasing Ice is the story of one man’s mission to change the tide of history by gathering undeniable evidence of our changing planet. Battling untested technology in subzero conditions, he comes face to face with his own mortality. His hauntingly beautiful images compress years into seconds and capture ancient mountains of ice in motion as they disappear. (2K DCP presentation)

This screening is sponsored by the Union Board, College Arts & Humanities Institute, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Integrated Program in the Environment, Department of Geological Sciences, Center for Integrative Photographic Studies, Kelley School of Business, and IU Cinema. Special thanks to Michael Hamburger.

Cost: Free, but ticketed

For more information contact:

IU Cinema
[email protected]


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