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9 Friday / October 9, 2020

Cinderella Family Photo Challenge

10:00 am to 10:00 pm on Nov 1

We challenge you and your family to re-create the classic fairy tale “Cinderella” using no more than 10 original photos. Get creative with costumes, locations, and props, and share your story on social media for a chance to win a $75 Crumble Coffee & Bakery Gift Card. ANYONE can participate, no matter your age or household size.

Post your photo story on Instagram or Facebook by November 1st to enter to win. To qualify, you MUST tag Cardinal Stage (@cardinalstage) and use the hashtag #cardinalchallenge. Please note, your post must be public in order for us to view it.

At the beginning of November, Cardinal will announce the winner and post the winning story!

What are you waiting for? Get posting for your chance to win a $75 gift card to Crumble Coffee & Bakery!

Learn more here: https://cardinalstage.org/family-photo-challenge/

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Cassie Hakken
(812) 336-9300
[email protected]

Children / Entertainment / Theater

Submit Your Event

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