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28 Monday / October 28, 2013

Council for Community Accessibility Annual Awards Ceremony

06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Bell Trace Senior Living, 800 Bell Trace Circle, Bloomington

The City of Bloomington Council for Community Accessibility (CCA) will host its annual awards ceremony from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on Oct. 28 at Bell Trace Senior Living, 800 Bell Trace Circle, Bloomington.

The ceremony, which is open to the public, recognizes individuals and groups in Bloomington who make our community a better place for people with disabilities. Mayor Mark Kruzan will present the Mayor’s Award, and additional awards will be presented by the Council to individuals and businesses who have shown a strong dedication to the mission of the CCA. The program will also include hors d’oeuvres and desserts, a keynote address and live music.

Indianapolis Colts Community Spokesperson Josh Bleill will present the keynote address. Bleill is an Iraqi war veteran who lost both legs as the result of an explosion beneath his Humvee. He tells his story in his book, One Step at a Time: A Young Marine’s Story of Courage, Hope and a New Life in the NFL.

Those planning to attend the awards ceremony or needing accessibility accommodations must R.S.V.P. online at http://bloomington.in.gov/cca by Oct. 23.

The awards ceremony is sponsored by Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Stone Belt, Ivy Tech Community College, LIFEDesigns, Inc., Kiwanis Club of Bloomington, e2Taxi, Indiana University Credit Union, Southern Indiana Center for Independent Living, United Way of Monroe County, Kiwanis Club of South Central Indiana, and Carle and Linda Crawford.

For information, please contact Craig Brenner, Special Projects Coordinator, Community and Family Resources Department, at 812.349.3471.

Cost: FREE - But you must R.S.V.P. online at http://bloomington.in.gov/cca by Oct. 23

For more information contact:

Craig Brenner
[email protected]

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