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9 Friday / January 9, 2015

December’s Finest

11:59 pm to 01:00 am on Jan 10
The Players Pub

December’s Finest

Hip-hop artists with talent and a vision, something unseen in today’s common rap religion. If you want to open your mind, we suggest you take a listen…captain btyler (B. Tyler Margison), Dozydose (Zachary Margison), Sweffy Barr (Seth McKinney), Doc Sizzle AKA Bill da Bear (Billy Cissell), Double-Dub (Wes Schrimsher), and “Axel Rodney”.

Friday, January 09 , 11:59 PM

Price: $5


The Player’s Pub
424 South Walnut Street
Bloomington, IN

Cost: $5

For more information contact:

The Players Pub
[email protected]

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