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28 Thursday / January 28, 2016

Eastern European Ensemble with Daily Bread & Butter

08:00 pm to 11:00 pm
The Player's Pub

Based in Bloomington, Indiana, the Eastern European Ensemble performs unique renditions of folk music from the Balkans. From the slow love songs to the fast and furious dance tunes, their repertoire includes music from Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, & more. Daily Bread & Butter plays traditional dance music from Europe. Their members, from different countries, come together to delight audiences with their repertoire that includes a large variety of sound and styles. Combining bagpipes, accordion, hurdy gurdy, and percussion, Daily Bread & Butter will make your feet move nonstop. http://tomaslozano.com/performances/daily-bread/

Cost: $6

For more information contact:

(812) 334-2080
[email protected]

Dance / Entertainment / Live Music

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