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9 Friday / October 9, 2015

Edward Burtynsky

Grunwald Gallery of Art

The Grunwald Gallery at Indiana University is pleased to announce an exhibition of projected images by award-winning photographer Edward Burtynsky. This exhibition will open Tuesday, October 6 and continue through Saturday, October 17. Edward Burtynsky will present a public lecture on Wednesday, October 14 at 7pm in Fine Arts 015. In addition, the IU Cinema will screen Burtynsky’s film, Manufactured Landscape, on October 10 at 7pm. Burtynsky will also meet with students and faculty for a conversation about his work on October 14 (the day of his public lecture) at 4pm (location to be announced).

Edward Burtynsky’s work is an extended meditation on labor, land, beauty, and violence. The extraction of natural resources and the exploitation of human labor have transformed (and often enough, insulted) our shared planetary home. Burtynsky travels the globe photographing such sites of intensive industry—from quarries and nickel tailings in North America, to scenes shipbreaking off the coast of Bangladesh, to his more recent work in China, the epicenter of global industrial expansion. Burtynsky is a master photo-colorist, and his large-format images mix beauty and terror in a unique and powerful way. Art is testimony, and Burtynsky is testifying, eloquently, to the world we live in. He makes us see.

These events are sponsored in part by Themester 2015: “@Work: The Nature of Labor on a Changing Planet,” an initiative of the College of Arts & Sciences. Further assistance comes from the Center for Integrative Photographic Studies, with additional support from the Integrated Program in the Environment, the Grunwald Gallery and the IU Cinema. The lecture by Edward Burtynsky is a Ruth N. Halls Distinguished Speaker Event.

For further information, please contact the Grunwald Gallery at (812) 855-8490 or [email protected]. We invite you to visit our website at http://www.indiana.edu/~grunwald/. The Grunwald Gallery is accessible to people with disabilities. Gallery hours are Tuesday – Saturday, noon – 4:00 pm, closed Sunday and Monday. All events are free and open to the public. For more information on the Henry Radford Hope School of Fine Arts at Indiana University, please visit www.fa.indiana.edu.

Cost: Free and open to the public

For more information contact:

Betsy Stirratt
(812) 855-8490
[email protected]

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