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15 Monday / October 15, 2012

Exhibit: ‘A Place Aside: Artists and Their Partners’

01:30 pm to 05:00 pm
Kinsey Institute (Morrison Hall, 1165 E. 3rd St.)

This exhibit, “A Place Aside: Artists and Their Partners,” is on display at the Kinsey Institute Gallery and will run from September 28 to December 20.

Since the invention of photography, the camera has been turned towards loved ones to document birthdays, vacations, graduations, and other significant events. For each of the couples included in this exhibition, however, photography is not a method of simply recording events but a means of exploring their partnership through the creation of art. While the photographs serve as documents of a couple’s life together, they also reveal the trust and respect that each partner has for the other.

The Kinsey Institute Gallery is open to the public Monday-Friday, 1:30 pm-5 pm.


Cost: Free

For more information contact:

[email protected]


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