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7 Monday / July 7, 2014

Exhibit: ‘Spiritualists, Sorcerers, and Stage Magicians: Magic and the Supernatural at the Lilly Library’

09:00 am
Lilly Library (1200 E. 7th St.)

Join us this week as the Lilly Library’s summer exhibition, “Spiritualists, Sorcerers, and Stage Magicians: Magic and the Supernatural at the Lilly Library,” makes its debut. The exhibition will run from June 2 to August 30, with a special reception on Saturday, June 21 from 6:00-8:00 PM.

The exhibition showcases the Library’s wide-ranging and eclectic holdings on magic and the supernatural, from 17th-century treatises on witchcraft to modern-day comic books.

Stay tuned to the Lilly Library’s blog and website for details about upcoming special events and blog posts throughout the summer highlighting items in Lilly’s collection such as discussion of spiritualism in the correspondence of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the Lilly’s recently-acquired issues of the pulp magazine Weird Tales, and annotated editions of books by the self-styled black magician Aleister Crowley.

Library hours are Monday – Thursday, 9 am – 6 pm, Friday, 9 am – 5 pm, and Saturday, 9 am – 1 pm. Closed Sundays.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:


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