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3 Sunday / November 3, 2013

Exhibit: The Patterned Kingdom: Surface Design among the Kuba

12:00 pm
IU Art Museum (IU Campus, 1133 E. 7th St.)

From boldly graphic raffia textiles to intricately incised carving on wooden cups, complex surface design is a hallmark of Kuba aesthetics and an indicator of prestige and value for Kuba and Westerners alike. Complementing the Kuba objects permanently on display in the Wielgus gallery, The Patterned Kingdom includes additional objects from the museum’s collection, including several hats given by the late IU textile artist Budd Stalnaker, as well as loans from IU professor emeritus and painter William Itter.

This exhibit runs through December 22, 2013. Located in the Raymond and Laura Wielgus Gallery of the Arts of Africa, the South Pacific, and the Americas, Focalpoint, third floor.

Gallery is open Tuesday – Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm, and Sunday, noon to 5 pm.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

[email protected]


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