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1 Friday / August 1, 2014

Exhibits at the Brown County Art Guild

11:00 am to 05:00 pm
Brown County Art Guild, 48 S. Van Buren St, Nashville

Oil & Watercolor Paintings by Jeanne McLeish & Dan Woodson
On display in the Upper Loft Gallery August 1- 31. Reception: Second Saturday, August, 9, 5-8 pm (during the Village Art Walk).

About Jeanne McLeish:
Jeanne McLeish was born in Clinton, Indiana in 1951. Jeanne began painting in 1970. Working in both watercolor and oil, she creates images that reflect her deep love of nature as well as her fascination with color and light.

Her paintings have been included in numerous annual exhibitions including the Hoosier Salon, Indiana Heritage Arts, Watercolor Society of Indiana, Indiana Artists Club, Wabash Valley Exhibition, Realism Today, and the transparent Watercolor Society of America. Awards include Best of Show in both the Watercolor Society of Indiana 2004 and the Indiana Artists Club Annual 2009.

Jeanne began teaching watercolor classes in 1977. She was an instructor at the Indianapolis Art Center between 1985 and 1990 and currently teaches ongoing watercolor classes at MAP in Mooresville, Indiana. She often teaches outdoor workshops that focus on the challenges of plein air painting. During the summer of 2011, Jeanne served as the National Park Service’s artist in residence at the Indiana Dunes National Lake Shore Park (along with Mark Burkett).

She is a Signature Member of the Transparent Watercolor Society of America, a Cardinal Fellow of the Watercolor Society of America, and Jeanne is also a member of the Indiana Artists Club, the Hoosier Salon Patron’s Association, the Indiana Heritage Arts, and the Indiana Plein Air Painters Association.

Her artwork can be found in many private and public collections, including the Tippecanoe Courthouse permanent collection (Lafayette, IN), the Rose Hulman Institute of Technology (Terre Haute, IN), the Swope Museum of Art (Terre Haute, IN), St. Francis Hospital (Mooresville, IN) and in the Indiana Govenor’s Residence Collection and the Indiana State Museum’s permanent collection (Indpls, IN). Jeanne McLeish has been an artist member of the Brown County Art Guild since 1979.

About Dan Woodson:
Dan Woodson conceived and started the Indiana Plein Air Painters Association in 1998. Also that year, he conceived and was a part of the Painting Indiana Project. Since that time, he has worked with three other states to do similar projects. He founded the new Richmond Art Group in 2011.

His numerous awards and recognition include: Best Landscape, Best Impressionistic Landscape, Best Traditional Oil, and others from the Hoosier Salon; two Best of Shows, Award of Excellence, Memorial and Merit Awards, in addition to Purchase and Popular Awards from Indiana Heritage Arts; Best of Show, First Place, Memorial and Purchase Awards from the Richmond Arts Museum; two paintings placed in top 200 out of 1,760 entries from the National Art for the Parks; eight First Place Awards, two Second Place Awards, three Popular Awards from the T.C. Steele Competition; and First Place from the James River National Competition.

Dan’s artwork has been in galleries all over the United States in past years; he is still with Sigman’s Gallery of Fine Arts (Indianapolis, IN), and has been a member artist of the Brown County Art Guild since spring of 2013.

Artist’s Statement: I have never been interested in recording my awards. I have over one hundred ribbons and unless it is marked on the ribbon, I have no idea where I won most of them. I’m self-trained but have learned my craft from all Indiana artists and have juried shows in Indiana and Ohio.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

David Nickel


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