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17 Tuesday / January 17, 2017

Exhibits at the IU Eskenazi Museum of Art

10:00 am to 05:00 pm
IU Eskenazi Museum of Art

Gallery Hours
Tues-Sat 10:00-5:00 p.m.
Sun 12:00-5:00 p.m.
Closed Mondays.

Special Exhibitions

Vik Muniz
October 1, 2016 to February 5, 2017
Special Exhibitions Gallery, first floor
The Eskenazi Museum of Art serves as the only Midwest venue for this major traveling exhibition, which covers more than twenty-five years of the internationally acclaimed artist’s career. Known for his photographic images of famous people, places, and artworks created using unconventional materials, Vik Muniz has become a staple of the contemporary art scene. His smart, postmodern pictures delight viewers, while challenging their perceptions.

Giambattista and Domenico Tiepolo: Master Drawings from the Anthony J. Moravec Collection
October 1, 2016 to February 5, 2017
Judi and Milt Stewart Hexagon Gallery, first floor

This exhibition highlights the most important gift of Old Master drawings in the Eskenazi Museum of Art’s seventy-five year history. In 2010, Anthony J. Moravec, a Columbus, Indiana, businessman, donated twenty-four drawings by the eighteenth-century Italian master Giambattista Tiepolo, his son Domenico, and several of their contemporaries.

New in the Galleries
Norman Rockwell’s Breaking Home Ties
January 3–May 7, 2017
New Acquisitions: The Flagellation of Christ
January 3–May 7, 2017
Tendrils of Design: Chinese Art Past and Present
January 17–May 2017
New Acquisition: A Sculpture by Harold Cousins
January 24–May 7, 2017
Beyond the Buckskin
February 14–May 7, 2017

For more information, visit artmuseum.indiana.edu/on-view/

Cost: Free and Open to the Public

For more information contact:

Seth Mutchler
(812) 855-5445


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