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3 Monday / November 3, 2014

Flight Club Fitness Aerial Silk Classes – Bringing California to Bloomington

05:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Twin Lakes Recreation Center, 1700 W Bloomfield Rd

If you’ve ever had the breath sucked right out of you as you watched a graceful aerialist twirl and spin, entwined with diaphanous, flowing fabric, then you already understand the a soul-stirring appeal of aerial silks. What you may not know is that aerial silks are both surprisingly accessible and a killer workout. Flight Club Fitness offers small group instruction and individual classes that will get you off the ground, out of your head, and into a dynamically expressive fitness routine.

Classes are for all ages (8 & up) and all levels – including first timers- and are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Twin Lakes Recreation Center. ANYone can try aerial silks! Our certified instructors are experienced in working with total beginners, and are experts in both working with kids and with helping our clients lose weight and get in great shape while mastering the art of aerial silks.

For a complete list of classes, or to register, visit:


Cost: $20 for ages 13+, $15 for kids 8-12. Discounts available when buying packages.

For more information contact:

Adriana Llanes
[email protected]

Children / Dance / Entertainment / Fitness / Sports

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