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5 Tuesday / September 5, 2017

Flora Field Day

09:30 am to 11:30 am
Friendship Lane, Monroe Lake

Flora Field Day at 9:30 a.m.
• Sign up for this session at http://bit.ly/florafieldsep2017
• Registration required by September 3.
• Free; recommended for ages 12 and up.
• Session location: Friendship Lane
Want to work on your flora identification skills? Practice with a naturalist! Field day emphasis is on proper use and application of an ID key, which opens the door to identifying thousands of species. The naturalist will work with each attendee based on their prior experience. If you’ve never worked with flower ID before, this is a great way to learn. If you have prior experience, this is a fun way to practice your skills (and maybe add some new blooms to your life list!). 2 hours
Things to Bring:
• Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide (extra copies available, if you don’t have your own)
• bug spray (long pants are also a good idea!)
• hat and sunglasses (for sun protection)
• water bottle (pre-filled)
• camera (if you’re the picture-taking type)

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Paynetown Activity Center
(812) 837-9967
[email protected]

Education / Outdoors

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