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24 Saturday / January 24, 2015

Food Chain Workers

12:30 pm to 02:30 pm
Harmony School at 909 E. 2nd Street

Join the Bloomington Food Policy Council for our Annual Meeting and Potluck to learn about the issues surrounding those who grow, process, distribute, cook, sell, and serve the food we eat during a talk by Dr. Joseph Vargas, professor of Labor Studies at Indiana University.

Potluck: Please bring a dish to share. The potluck is BYOP, that’s Bring-Your-Own-Plate, along with a glass and fork.

Schedule: At 12:30, the potluck will begin. At 1:00 the talk will begin, followed by Q&A and BFPC’s Annual Meeting.

Speaker Bio: Joseph Varga is a former Teamster shop steward and long time labor activist, having worked for the IBEW and the New York State Working Families Party. He worked numerous jobs before entering academics, including truck driving, forklift operating, and service work. He received his doctorate in Sociology and Historical Studies in 2008 from the New School for Social Research, and taught in the Department of History at Brooklyn College before arriving at IU in 2009. His research interests include labor geography and spatial analysis as applied to working-class communities, and the phenomenology of working-class experience. He is currently working on a project detailing the spatial history of de-industrialization in Southern Indiana. Joe is also active in Jobs with Justice, and numerous other activist causes. Joe is a member of the United Association of Labor Educators, and is co-chair of UALE’s On-Line Education Working Group. He is also a member of the Working Class Studies Association, the American Historical Association, the Adjunct Faculty Coalition of IUPUI, and the IUPUI LGBT Faculty Staff Council.

For additional information, please contact [email protected].

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Nicole Wooten
[email protected]

Eat and Drink / Education / Speakers

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