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13 Friday / April 13, 2018

Friday Night Lecture: Don’t Worry, Be Happy! A Buddhist Approach Towards Authentic Happiness

07:00 pm to 08:15 pm
Kadampa Meditation Center Bloomington 406 S. Walnut St. Bloomington, IN 47401

Just imagine being free from worry. Worry is a common reaction to the many uncertainties and complexities of daily life. Worry can easily rob us of our mental peace and keep us from living our life with authentic joy and confidence. It never helps prevent or resolve unwanted situations. Through training in meditation and mindfulness, we can learn to let go of our worries. By replacing worry with positive, constructive attitudes, we can begin to enjoy every moment of our lives.

The class will include guided meditations, a talk, and time for questions and answers. Everyone is welcome.

Cost:  $10  Student rate:  $5

Cost: $5–$10

For more information contact:

Kelsang Kalden
(812) 318-1236

Education / Health / Speakers

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