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18 Wednesday / February 18, 2015

Hairy Woodpecker Nesting Box Workshop

02:00 pm
Monroe Lake: Paynetown SRA

Songbirds aren’t the only birds that will use a nesting box! Hairy woodpeckers also make use of artificial nesting structures, as natural tree cavities are often in short supply. Participants will assemble a wood nesting box for the hairy woodpecker and learn about this bird’s mating and nesting behavior. 1.5 to 2 hours

Cost is $15 per kit*; limited to 8 kits.
Preregistration is REQUIRED by February 13.
Sign up at http://bit.ly/nestboxfeb18
*When you register for this workshop, you are reserving ONE KIT – up to two people may work together on assembling the same kit. If you wish to reserve more than one kit (for other people in your group), you must submit a separate registration for each additional kit.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Paynetown Activity Center
[email protected]

Animals / Outdoors

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