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18 Monday / January 18, 2016

Hatha Yoga on Mondays

Unity of Bloomington, 4001 S. Rogers Street, Bloomington

The class is taught by Allana Radecki who has been teaching Hatha Yoga since 1988. Her “Yoga from the Inside Out,” draws upon the foundation poses of Hatha Yoga, guided by the breath, to develop a balanced, mindful practice. Allana’s method adapts easily to all ages and levels of practice and is helpful to people with special needs, injuries and joint replacements. Allana’s teaching is grounded in 40 years of Hatha practice and over 25 years of teaching yoga, dance, fitness and Pilates, deeply influenced by Body-Mind Centering.

Cost: $10 per person per week

For more information contact:

Danielle Bachant-Bell
[email protected]

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