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30 Saturday / January 30, 2016

Hoosier Darling – the Kroger Saturday Showcase – TODAY!

12:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Kroger Grocer Store - 1175 South College Mall Rd., Bloomington IN 47401

Let’s go Krogering! Best place to be on Saturday afternoons if you’re looking for some fun as you do your shopping. The Stage is located next to Murray’s Cheese Shoppe – near the Bistro/Deli/Starbucks at Kroger Grocery – East location. Hoosier Darling will be performing this afternoon with their tight – 3 part harmony songs that are laced with humor as the group entertains Kroger Shoppers. Stop by and say ‘Howdy!’

Cost: FREE

For more information contact:

(812) 369-8141
[email protected]

Entertainment / Live Music

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