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21 Thursday / September 21, 2017

Isabel Berglund Artist Residency: Community Knitting Workshop

06:00 pm to 09:00 pm
IU Fine Arts Building, room 230

Participate in this community knitting project and help create a community art project that will be on view during the Lotus World Music Festival (Sept. 28-Oct.1), and IU First Thursday, October 5. Danish textile artist Isabel Berglund will teach the workshop as participants create a piece inspired by their home for a project called Home Mask Relations. This event is free and open to the public.

Isabel Berglund’s artist residency in Bloomington is made possible through a partnership between the Lotus Education and Arts Foundation, IU Textile Artist Association, IU Arts and Humanities Council, and the IU Eskenazi Museum of Art.

Cost: Free and Open to the Public

For more information contact:

(812) 855-5445
[email protected]


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