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14 Tuesday / April 14, 2015

IU Cinema: Hot Girls Wanted

07:00 pm to 08:30 pm
IU Cinema: 1213 East 7th Street, Bloomington, IN 47406

Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus are scheduled to be present.

Hot Girls Wanted is a first-ever look at the realities of the professional “amateur” porn world and the steady stream of 18-to-19-year old girls entering into it.

In the past decade, the proliferation of the Internet has brought significant shifts in the way porn is produced and consumed. Today, for many teenage girls, porn carries fewer taboos than it did for their parents’ generation. Directors Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus explore this uncharted territory and reveal a business reliant on Millennials who believe empowerment is synonymous with online notoriety. The filmmakers follow one such girl, eager to leave small-town life in search of freedom and fame. With the click of a mouse she transforms from A-student to fledgling amateur actress. She initially feels independent and popular starring in professionally produced videos—uploaded on sites garnering an average of 41 million hits a month. But as she and some of her new friends fall deeper into the darker corners of the Internet, and as new faces arrive daily, they’re forced to reconsider an increasingly dubious line of work.

Backed by two Indiana University and Kinsey Institute affiliated researchers and an acclaimed team of producers, including Rashida Jones (Parks and Recreation), the directors expose the complicated reality behind this fantasy world. As porn viewership dwarfs other entertainment and seeps deeper into our public and private lives, Hot Girls Wanted is essential viewing. The screening is sponsored by the Center for Sexual Health Promotion in IU’s School of Public Health. (2K DCP presentation)


The film will be followed by a Q&A with directors Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus and co-producers Dr. Debby Herbenick and Dr. Bryant Paul.

Cost: Free, but ticketed

For more information contact:

IU Cinema
[email protected]


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