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15 Thursday / January 15, 2015

IU Cinema: “Human Capital” film

07:00 pm to 08:55 pm
IU Cinema, 1213 E. 7th St.

Human Capital begins at the end, with an accident the night before Christmas Eve. As details emerge of the events leading up to the accident, the lives of a well-to-do Bernaschi family, privileged and detached, will intertwine with another, struggling to keep their comfortable middle-class life, in ways neither could have expected. Paolo Virzi’s taut character study deconstructs the typical linear narrative, observing transformative events from each character’s perspective. The result is a nuanced account of desire, greed and the value of human life in an age of rampant capitalism and financial manipulation. In Italian language with English subtitles. (2K DCP presentation)

Cost: $3 for IUB students, $6 for the public

For more information contact:

[email protected]

Entertainment / Films

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