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25 Monday / March 25, 2013

IU Cinema Presents: ‘War Photographer’

07:00 pm
IU Cinema (1213 E. 7th Street)

In 20 years, war photographer James Nachtwey hadn’t missed a single war, and he has probably seen more suffering and dying than anyone else alive. For this Academy Award® nominated documentary, Christian Frei followed Nachtwey for two years into the wars in Indonesia, Kosovo, and Palestine, as well as to other troubled areas around the world. Many view him as the bravest and best war photographer ever. Nachtwey appears as a committed, thoughtful, photojournalist, but also a rather shy person. “Every minute I was there, I wanted to flee. I did not want to see this. Would I cut and run, or would I deal with the responsibility of being there with a camera?” – James Nachtwey. (HD Cam presentation)

Although at war since October 2001, few Americans have seen our wars first hand. Citizens depend on journalists for information about the battles and those who fight them. This series examines three American photojournalists who have used small digital video cameras to provide a more intimate perspective of war than earlier film cameras could. It is sponsored by the School of Journalism and IU Cinema. Special thanks to James Kelly and Dennis Elliott.

Cost: Free (tickets required - pick up tickets 30 minutes before film, or at IU Auditorium during normal hours)

For more information contact:

[email protected]

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