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12 Sunday / April 12, 2015

IU Cinema: Waiting for Happiness

06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
IU Cinema: 1213 East 7th Street, Bloomington, IN 47406

Waiting for Happiness/Heremakono
Winner of the 2002 Cannes International Critics Award, this film traces the intersecting lives of the inhabitants of a coastal town, situated where the Sahara Desert meets the Atlantic Ocean. Among them: Abdallah, an urbane, Paris-educated student home for a visit and, Khatra, the young, curious apprentice to a local electrician. Poised on the cusp of the continent, these characters embody a world of exile and adaptation to external forces and local graces. In French, Hassaniya, and Mandarin languages with English subtitles. (35mm presentation)

This screening is sponsored by the College Arts and Humanities Institute, African Studies Program, the Black Film Center/ Archive, the Department of Comparative Literature, the Department of History, Film and Media Studies, The Media School, and the IU Cinema. Special thanks to Cultural Services of the French Embassy, Institut Français, Amélie Garin-Davet, and Marissa Moorman. Screenings are free, but ticketed.

Cost: Free, but ticketed

For more information contact:

IU Cinema
[email protected]


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