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17 Monday / August 17, 2015

Jenn Cristy, Luke Austin Daughterly, Bill Price, OPEN Share-a-Chair’ evening – TONIGHT – B-Town Songwriter Showcase

08:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Independantly produced - hosted by the Players Pub - 424 S. Walnut, Bloomington IN 47401

Wow-Wee! The Rocker-Queen of B-Town is in the house tonight! The amazing Jenn Cristy will take the stage this evening with her free-spirited, piano-playin’, bare-footed, high energy music. This gal is a lovely inside as out (and that is very lovely) and as talented as she is lovely. Always brings in a full house of admirers for her songs – we welcome back Jenn Cristy. Luke Austin Dougherty is very well known – not only for his well-written, well-performed music, but as a poet and author. Visiting us from Mooresville IN, we are pleased to welcome Luke Austin Dougherty back to the Bloomington Songwriter Showcase. Next we have invited one of the finest Singer-Songwriter from Indiana – we’ve met. Bill Price’s music is always well received by our Audience. Price writes songs with care and attention to detail, featuring some beautiful chord progressions and lyrics. Bill sings about nature, (being a bit of an environmentalist), and his travels – most typically in the west and northwest. He is comfortable on stage, although not a rambunctious style of entertainer. Instead, Bill Price gets the Audience to ‘hear a pin drop’ quiet by just being himself – soft-spoken, delivering heart-felt, well-written songs. Tonight is our Open Guest ‘Share-a-Chair’ evening too – were new writers can get their chance to do a song as we rotate up to six writers on one of the Feature Writer Chairs – rotating the new writers on our 4th Spot.
[email protected] to learn more or sing up. Writer spots are limited

Don’t forget – NO COVER CHARGE and ALL ages are welcomed to the Bloomington Songwriter Showcase – an independently produced/promoted program – hosted by the Players Pub in Bloomington IN

Cost: FREE!

For more information contact:

Suzette Weakley
(812) 369-8141
[email protected]

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