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22 Tuesday / April 22, 2014

Kinsey Institute Art Exhibits: “Creative Minds” and “Artistic Types: Test in Visual Art”

The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, Morrison Hall 3rd Floor

Kinsey Institute Art Exhibits: “Creative Minds” and “Artistic Types: Test in Visual Art”

April 14 through September 12, 2014, Monday-Friday, 8AM-12PM and 1PM-5PM

Creative Minds features work produced by artists whose primary professions are as sex researchers, physicians, or scientists. This exhibition in the main gallery features drawings, glass art, photographs, sculpture and video by Robert Latou Dickinson, John Money, Jeffrey Rothenberg, Andreas Schneider, Jill Bolte Taylor, David Teplica, Leonore Tiefer and Rachel Liebert, and Martin Weinberg.
On display in the Corridor Gallery is Artistic Types: Text in Visual Art. This show offers a selection of artworks in which words or the alphabet play a significant role in the composition. The exhibition features a wide range of media, from vintage photographs to contemporary pieces by Herbert Ascherman, Michael Bennett, Filiz Cicek, Gatis Cirulis, John Gutoskey, Joe De Hoyos, Linda Hesh, Paul McCormick, James Murray, and Mark Addison Smith.

The Kinsey Institute Gallery is open 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm weekdays or by appointment Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to Noon. Admission is free. Due to adult content, visitors should be 18 years of age or older, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Guided group tours of The Kinsey Institute may be scheduled by calling 812-855-7686. The Kinsey Institute is closed all IU holidays.

Location, Contact, and Telephone Number
The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, Morrison Hall 3rd Floor
Catherine Johnson-Roehr
(812) 855-7686

Point of Contact for submitting ad is:
Pat Lacy
(812) 855-7686

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Catherine Johnson-Roehr


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