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21 Monday / May 21, 2012

Man as Object: Reversing the Gaze at The Kinsey Institute

01:30 pm
Kinsey Institute Gallery (Morrison Hall)

Man as Object presents works of art that examine the visibility of men and masculinity from female/feminist/transgender perspectives. By surveying the ways men are represented in contemporary art by women, this exhibition opens new dialogues regarding the myriad of ways women view men in today’s culture and society. It marks an important development in feminist art, which has long concentrated on images of women meant to challenge stereotypical notions of womanhood. A gallery filled with works depicting men, created by women, actively resists the prevalence of the male gaze in art. This traveling exhibition will be accompanied by a selection of artworks by female artists depicting men that is drawn from the permanent collection of The Kinsey Institute.

Runs April 13 – June 29.

The Kinsey gallery is open Monday – Friday, 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Jennifer Bass
[email protected]

Education / Exhibits / LGBT

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