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13 Tuesday / July 13, 2021

Monroe County CASA Fundraising Breakfast

08:00 am to 09:00 am
Switchyard Park Pavilion

June 11, 2021 – Bloomington, IN: Monroe County CASA invites interested members of the community to attend the CASA Fundraising Breakfast on July 13th from 8:00-9:00 a.m. at Switchyard Park Pavilion. This event will feature a light breakfast and coffee, along with moving messages from people impacted by the CASA program.

This breakfast is free to attend, but donations are highly encouraged. To register please visit www.bit.ly/2021CASAbreakfast or call 812-333-2272. (Registration is required.)

Attendees are encouraged to wear masks and social distance.

CASA is a volunteer-powered program that provides representation in juvenile court for child victims of abuse and neglect. They provide support to these children to ensure that they remain at the forefront of the court proceedings and find a safe, permanent home as quickly as possible. To learn more about how you can change a child’s story, please visit www.monroecountycasa.org or call 812-333-CASA.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Amber Shride
(812) 333-2272

Benefits / Speakers / Volunteering

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