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13 Saturday / September 13, 2014

Monroe County History Center — “Celebrating Lotus Exhibit”

10:00 am to 04:00 pm
Monroe County History Center; 202 E. 6th St. Bloomington, Indiana

“Celebrating Lotus Exhibit”
From his quaint hometown in Orange County, Indiana to cities all over America, Southern Indiana musician Lotus Dickey made his mark on the musical world. A prolific singer-songwriter who played guitar and fiddle, Dickey had a love for music unmatched by any other. In honor of the legend, the Lotus World Music and Arts Festival was established in Bloomington in 1994 as a celebration of music, song, dance, and art. As the 21st Lotus Festival approaches, the Monroe County History Center Community Voices Gallery presents: Celebrating Lotus.
This exhibit runs until November 29.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Hillary Detty


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