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11 Wednesday / February 11, 2015

Noon Talk: Winston Churchill: Artist, Writer, and Statesman

IU Art Museum, 1133 E. 7th Street

Wednesday, February 11, 12:15–1:00 p.m.
Gallery of the Art of the Western World, Doris Steinmetz Kellett Endowed Gallery of Twentieth-Century Art, first floor

In his forties, Churchill (1874 –1965) took up painting and eventually became not only a competent artist, but also a thoughtful student who loved to study art in the larger context of political and social history. Michael Sheldon, professor of English at Indiana State University and author of Young Titan: The Making of Winston Churchill, describes Churchill’s efforts as both statesman and creative individual.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Abe Morris
[email protected]

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