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14 Tuesday / February 14, 2012

NPA Network and Training Committee present:

08:30 am to 12:00 pm
Fountain Square Room 308, 101 W. Kirkwood, Bloomington

Want to increase the visibility of your nonprofit through effective relationships with local media? Do you know how to make a compelling pitch for the exciting work you are doing?

Join NPA for the 5th Annual Media Roundtable on Thursday, Feb. 14 (registration 8:15 am; training begins promptly at 8:30 am) and learn how to work well with the media and network with them in person. You’ll have an opportunity to make an actual story pitch to the media experts and learn how to make it even better. Come prepared to present a story idea no more than one minute long for this workshop. The event will also feature small group breakouts with the media and time for Q&A.

RSVP to Liz Feitl (812-334-8370 or [email protected]) by Friday, February 8.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Liz Feitl

Business / Education

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