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28 Monday / October 28, 2013

NPR’s Moira Gunn of Tech Nation at IU Auditorium

03:00 pm to 05:00 pm
IU Auditorium, 1211 E 7th St

NPR host Moira Gunn of “Tech Nation” offers a free talk at the IU Auditorium on October 28 at 3 pm: “Life Choices in a Digitally Connected World.” The event is part of IU’s Themester as well as a launch party for the new Center of Excellence for Women in IT.

Dr. Moira Gunn is best known as the Host of Tech Nation and its regular segment BioTech Nation. A pioneer among women in science, she graduated in the first class of computer science majors, and went on to become the first woman to earn a PhD in mechanical engineering. She is a former NASA computer scientist and engineer, and her work in information systems extends from satellite image processing and climate models to robotics systems, financial systems, and the first Macintosh database.

Her talk is followed by a launch party for IU’s new Center of Excellence for Women in IT (CEWiT) in the IU Auditorium lobby. The party will feature interactive tech demonstrations including Google Glass, friendly robots, and 3-D printing. Refreshments will be provided along with giveaways including T-shirts and microfiber screen cleaners.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Elisabeth Andrews
[email protected]

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