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15 Monday / October 15, 2012

October Exhibits at the Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center

09:00 am to 07:00 pm
Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center (122 S. Walnut St.)

October brings four new exhibits to the Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center. All exhibits are available for viewing during regular gallery hours (Mon-Fri 9 am-7 pm, Sat 9 am-5 pm).

Contemporary fabric artist Sandy Hill splashes the walls with jewel-toned swirls and flourishes. Her freestyle forms employ silky-sheen fabrics and light-catching metallic threads, making a joyous quilting tour-de-force that celebrates the colors of the rainbow.

Tom Rhea takes us on a painterly tour of Bloomington’s best-loved landmarks, both town and gown. An eye for detail, a heartfelt connection with his subject matter , and an uncanny ability to render light on limestone make Rhea’s watercolors a delight for locals and visitors.

Sculptor (and writer) James Alexander Thom hand-carves fallen trees to reveal their spirits as sinuous, self-referencing, and graceful.

Fascinated by pattern and the negative space between objects, Ellen Starr Lyon says her current work is about “lushness of the commonplace.” A conservator at the IU Art Museum, Lyon is especially drawn to elements of Asian art, which are often found in her still-lifes.

Cost: Free

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