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16 Saturday / June 16, 2018

Overcoming Anger

01:00 pm to 03:30 pm
Kadampa Meditation Center Bloomington, 406 S. Walnut St.

Anger is a destructive response to feelings of unhappiness and it appears in many forms and disguises. Sometimes it manifests as a feeling of stress, other times it takes the form of depression. From the slightest frustration to resentment and embittered rage, anger is an emotion we can learn to understand, reduce, and eventually conquer. In this way, we can stop being angry and learn to enjoy and make most of our lives.

This half-day course will include guided meditations, a talk and time for question and answers.

For more information contact:

Kelsang Kalden
(812) 318-1236
[email protected]


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