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15 Wednesday / April 15, 2015

Puzzles, Trivia and Games for the Brain!

01:00 pm to 02:00 pm
The Endwright Center, 631 W. Edgewood Drive, Ellettsville, 47429

Puzzles, Trivia and Games for the Brain!

What: Puzzles, Trivia and Games for the Brain!

When: 1:00-2:00 p.m., April 15 (3rd Wednesdays, Monthly)
New players are always welcome!

Who: Stacey Goffinet (Comfort Keepers)

Where: The Endwright Center, 631 W. Edgewood Drive, Ellettsville, 47429

Cost: Free! (Donations gratefully accepted!)

Additional Information:
Memories can get fuzzy as we age, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Regularly challenging ourselves with fun mental exercises keeps our minds running on all four cylinders. In fact, adults who frequently engage in mentally stimulating activities are 63% less likely to develop dementia than those who rarely do such activities (according to a New England Journal of Medicine study). Stacey Goffinet will lead participants in playing trivia games, solving puzzles and other fun activities to maintain a sharp focus and, better memory retention. Games and puzzles are among the best ways to maintain active and productive use of all our mental faculties. Eating healthy foods and exercise can also significantly boost our brain power!

Refreshments will be provided by Comfort Keepers. New players are always welcome! Sponsored by Area 10 Agency on Aging and Comfort Keepers. For more information: call the center at 876-3383 ex. 515.

Cost: free (Donations gratefully accepted!)

For more information contact:

Education / Health

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