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31 Monday / August 31, 2015

Quarryland Men’s Chorus Auditions

06:00 pm to 07:30 pm
First United Church, 2420 E 3rd St., Bloomington, IN

Are you an advocate for the LGBT community and passionate about music? Any man, regardless of his musical background, can join the Chorus’ cadre of supportive, enthusiastic Performing Members. The Chorus also relies on a dedicated team of Off-stage Members (men and women) to help with fundraising, ticket sales, audience development, member recruitment, and many other tasks. All members can also serve on the Chorus’ Board of Directors and various committees. There are also many volunteer opportunities for those who don’t want to commit to being a full member.

Members pay dues and a music deposit.

For more information contact:

Robert Ping
[email protected]

Benefits / Education / Entertainment / LGBT / Live Music / Volunteering

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