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16 Monday / February 16, 2015

Rick LeDune, Rv. Fa. Joel Weir, Lewis Ricci – Open Guest ‘ Share-A-Chair’ – Bloomington Songwriter Showcase

08:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Independantly produced - hosted by the Players Pub - 424 S. Walnut

This is the evening of our monthly OPEN GUEST Chair! We keep one of the four Feature Writer spots open and rotate Singer-Songwriters throughout the evening on that 4th spot! It’s a lot of fun, so if you’re a Singer-Songwriter and would like to reserve one of the six song spots – please email us at [email protected] and we’ll hold a place for ya! ALSO this evening we have one of the finest writers of FUN songs we’ve ever featured – Rick LeDune! Rick’s music is flat out Nashville Sound, and he does it as well as anyone you’ll hear in Nashville TN – better than most in this genre. The Reverend Father Joel Weir will also be performing this evening and this young man’s music is truly inspiring. Not all of his songs are traditional ‘Inspirational’, but all of his songs are inspiring, and amazingly good songs. Lewis Ricci is here from Nashville Indiana. Ricci is affiliated with the Indiana Arts Commission and has raised 2 sons who are also very talented and upon occasion, visit us with Lewis and accompany their father. Ricci is a piano man – a Contemporary / Alternative Songwriter who laces his songs with a bit of jazz and even Blues.
Remember – NO COVER CHARGE and ALL Ages are welcomed

Cost: FREE!

For more information contact:

Suzette Weakley
[email protected]

Entertainment / Live Music

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