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24 Friday / November 24, 2017

Santa’s Mailbox

to 1513468800
Fountain Square

Nov 24 – Dec 17, Santa’s Mailbox
Mon – Sat 7am – 9pm o Sunday 12pm – 7pm
Located in Fountain Square’s South Atrium

Santa has a special mailbox inside Fountain Square that allows children to mail their hand-written wish list to the big man himself. The letters are picked up by Santa’s mail delivery elves and taken directly to him to review for Christmas. After receiving the letters, Santa personally sends a response letter to each child’s address.
*** Please ensure the return address is written/marked clearly. ***

Santa’s Mailbox is Accessible During Lobby Hours:
Monday – Saturday 7am – 9pm
Sunday 12pm – 7pm

Cost: FREE

For more information contact:

(812) 332-0053


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