Says You! is a long-running, nationally broadcasted show on air on WFIU Saturday mornings and one of the most challenging shows on Public Radio. This public radio game show of bluff and bluster, words and whimsy is coming to the Playhouse on Friday, February 3 for 2 live tapings.
What is Says You?…a simple game with words played by two teams in front of live, enthusiastic audiences from coast to coast. For two decades, they have offered listeners the best quips, quotes and questions that public radio has to offer, all scored to the rhythms of musical guest performers.
Cost: Tickets: $28.50 General Admission | $25.50 Student WFIU VIP Special Event Tickets | $77.50 Each WFIU VIP ticket includes admission to an enjoyable pre-show cocktail reception at Out of the Ordinary Restaurant with the cast members of Says You! and premium seats at the live performance on stage at the Brown County Playhouse.
For more information contact:
(812) 988-6555
[email protected]