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9 Friday / December 9, 2016

Singed: The Holiday Escapade — A Burlesque & Variety show

10:00 pm to 01:00 am on Dec 10
The Back Door

Prepare for a clash of the holidays!!!

The “holiday season” takes The Back Door’s stage by storm, In Singed: The Holiday Escapade. A thrilling rumpus full of twists & turns, as well as both surprising & predictable shenanigans. The Holiday Escapade is a journey, nay, a battle, through the sacred, and the profane, as our vivacious performers explore the “real” meaning of the holiday season.

Doors open at 10pm, Show starts at 11pm.
$10 at the door. 21+

Produced & MCed by: Singe
Stage Madaming by: Mercy Merlot
Stage Kittening by: Regina Sweet
Our amazing local performers are:

Argenta Perón
Corvin Rose
Mercy Merlot
Envy Debeauté
JB Awesome
Marcia Melons
Verna Ven Detta
Mocha Debeauté
Rock Ruffergood
Tipsy Teasdale
And Tea!

Plus our fantastic performers from Indianapolis:
Maella Cai Vane
Juju Bone
and MaMarie LaVeaux

Cost: $10 at the door

For more information contact:

(812) 361-0215

Comedy / Dance / Entertainment / LGBT / Theater

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