If you know the basics but want to go deeper on identifying and controlling invasive plants, this class is for you. Monroe County Identify Invasive Species (MC-IRIS) expert Ellen Jacquart will teach you to identify many of the invasive plants in our county and how to use deer-resistant native plants in landscaping. After the talk there will be a one-hour hands-on workshop on methods to control invasive plants. Attendees should wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and sturdy closed shoes. Space is limited; registrations will be accepted until full.
RSVPs are required: sycamorelandtrust.org/hike-rsvp
Sycamore Land Trust events are free for members! For non-members, the suggested donation is $5 per person or $10 per family. Not yet a member? You can join today with a donation of just $40 or more, and help us protect and restore nature forever: sycamorelandtrust.org/donate
For more information contact:
Sycamore Land Trust
(812) 336-5382
[email protected]