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29 Tuesday / March 29, 2016

The Bloomington Songwriter Showcase presents – Greg Mahan, Keith Skooglund, D.Michael Kirk and OPEN -Share-a-Chair’ TONIGHT!

07:30 pm to 09:30 pm
Bears Place - 1316 East Third St., Bloomington IN 47401

Greg Mahan (www.GregMahan.com) is a Cincinnati area Singer-Songwriter who presents us with some of the finest guitar finger-pickin’ we’ve ever heard – and he is equally talented as a performer. Mahan has a great sense of humor, and a high energy presentation – making him an Audience favorite every time he performs at the Showcase. Sharing the stage with Greg this evening is Keith Skooglund (http://keithskooglund.com) – a fellow who has been in the Bloomington area for a while – often performing with Carrie Newcomer in the past. He is a fabulous musician (this will be an evening of top notch guitar work) and Keith has some very, very good songs. Michael David Kirk has just completed a new CD with backup from none other than Krista Detor. His songs are REALLY well-written with some above the rest – chord progressions and wonderful lyrics. TONIGHT is our monthly Open Guest ‘Share-a-Chair’ where we keep one of the 4 Feature Writer chairs open as we rotate new talent on that spot throughout the evening – to sign up contact us (Songbird3820@hotmail.com)
Don’t miss this showcase!
NO COVER CHARGE – Must be at least 21 to enter.

Cost: FREE!

For more information contact:

(812) 369-8141

Entertainment / Live Music

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