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21 Sunday / July 21, 2013

‘The Matchmaker’

07:30 pm
Lee Norvelle Center of Theatre and Drama 275 N. Jordan Ave.

July 12, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 at 7:30 pm.
July 14, 20, 28 at 2 pm.


This classic American comedy introduced Dolly Levi to the world! In Thornton Wilder’s farce, hilariously mismatched couples careen from one ridiculous situation to the next as matchmaker Dolly attempts to create love connections for everyone—including herself. Light-hearted and romantic, this play is as enchanting as the musical it inspired.

Cost: Public: $25.00 Student: $15.00

For more information contact:

Indiana University Box Office

Dance / Entertainment / Theater

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