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16 Saturday / September 16, 2017

The Odd Couple (female version)

07:00 pm to 09:00 pm
Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center Firebay

Monroe County Civic Theater presents The Odd Couple (female version)

It’s girls’ night at Olive Madison’s house. Olive is a messy, scatter-brained, cluttered news producer living in New York in the 80’s. When her friends Mickey, Vera, Sylvie and Renee come over for a game of Trivial Pursuit, they quickly realize someone is missing: Florence Unger, a neurotic, neat freak, bookkeeper turned stay-at-home mother.

We find out Florence’s husband has had it with her obsessive ways and kicked her out. Olive opens up her home for her friend, and what happens next is hilarious, heartwarming, and heart-breaking. Can two opposite people live together without killing each other? Will all of the rest of their friendship be ruined in the process? And what happens when the fiery Costazuela brothers try and go on a date with Olive & Florence?

Neil Simon’s adaptation of his Odd Couple for a mostly female cast is in turns touching, challenging and laugh out loud funny. Enjoy!

Cost: $15 for adults, $12 for students/children

For more information contact:

James Torry
[email protected]


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