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26 Tuesday / January 26, 2016

The State of Art in The State of Indiana, a presentation by Miah Michaelsen, Deputy Director of the Indiana Arts Commission.

05:30 pm to 07:00 pm
The Venue Fine Art & Gifts

On Tuesday, January 26th, beginning at 530 pm., The Venue Fine Art & Gifts will host a presentation by Miah Michaelsen, former Bloomington Art Czar, now Deputy Director of The Indiana Arts Commission, Miah’s presentation has become an annual event at the Venue, allowing you to be privy to the latest events, policies, procedures, and directions of The City, as they impact the Art Community of Bloomington. Miah’s artistic vision now encompasses the entire State. This is an important opportunity for you, as a citizen and/or artist, to share this new perspective and provide meaningful feedback to The State of Indiana. Do not miss the moment.
Refreshments will be served at The Venue. You can visit the following link for free parking options near The Venue: http://bloomington.in.gov/parksmart

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Gabe Colman
(812) 339-4200
[email protected]

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