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11 Friday / September 11, 2015

Themester Lecture: Annie Sprinkle, “What I Did for Love, Sex, Money, and Art: 40 Years as a Feminist Porn Activist and Radical Sex Educator”

4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Jordan Hall A100

Annie Sprinkle has made sexually oriented media and art for four decades. She worked as a prostitute and porn star for 20 years, was active in the 1980s sex-positive feminist movement, and morphed into an internationally acclaimed performance artist. Today Sprinkle is exploring ecosex art, theory, practice, and activism. She has a BFA in photography from the School of Visual Arts and a doctorate in human sexuality from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. Sponsored by the IU Themester, Kinsey Institute, Michael Rosen Photography Lecture Series, Center for Sexual Health Promotion, and Department of Sociology.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Catherine Johnson-Roehr
[email protected]


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