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21 Saturday / February 21, 2015

Two Days, One Night

07:00 pm to 08:40 pm
IU Cinema 1213 East 7th Street, Bloomington, IN 47406

Two Days, One Night is a universal story about working-class people living on the edge of society. Sandra (Cotillard) has just returned to work after recovering from a serious bout with depression. Realizing that the company can operate without her, management decides to let her go. After learning that her co-workers will vote to decide her fate, she races against time to convince each of fellow employee to help her keep her job. With each encounter, Sandra is brought into a different world with unexpected results in this powerful statement on community solidarity. (2K DCP. 95 min. Rated PG-13)

Cost: $3 students, $6 public

For more information contact:

IU Cinema

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