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25 Sunday / January 25, 2015

Unity Choir

Unity of Bloomington, 4001 S. Rogers Street

Calling all singers! Unity of Bloomington is forming a new Unity Choir. The group is open to all who enjoy singing songs that are spiritually uplifting, promote positive energy, and help spread peace and unity. Led by Phyllis Wickliff, accomplished musician and choir director, the choir will practice each Sunday from 11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. following the 10 a.m. Unity Sunday service. Drop-ins are welcome at any time and weekly practice attendance is not required. Unity of Bloomington is a spiritual growth center whose mission is to transform lives by providing inspiration, tools and practices to support individuals on their path to spiritual growth. For more information call (812) 333-2484, email [email protected] or visit the website at www.unityofbloomington.org

For more information contact:

Danielle Bachant-Bell
[email protected]

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