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31 Sunday / January 31, 2016

Weekend Concert: From China to the West: Building Bridges Across Cultures

03:00 pm to 04:00 pm
IU Art Museum

This innovative musical program revives the core of ancient Chinese music with a twist. Four new songs, written for Western instruments, employ sound characteristics of Chinese instruments. Traditionally, Chinese music focuses on a single note whereas Western music is designed in phrases. The art of embellishing a single note, called qin, is considered the core of Chinese music. A string plucked once is lightly touched to subtly vary pitch and timbre of the tone. The series of microtones and subtle inflections are a means of expression. A whole song may consist of a single note, embellished. These new compositions revive qin, unexpectedly, with Western instruments. This concert features four new songs from three preeminent student composers, performed by six musicians from the IU Jacobs School of Music. This concert is brought to you in partnership with Indiana University’s Hutton Honors College.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

(812) 855-5445
[email protected]

Entertainment / Live Music

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